An activator rail is a rail that “activates” certain mine carts and Activator rails also serve the purpose of allowing minecarts to travel over them. Activator rails should be 38 blocks apart to maintain top speed.
Activator rails can be placed on top of any solid opaque blocks, any hopper, upside down slabs, upside down stairs, or on top of any transparent block. An activator rail can be used to move minecarts and they can be activated by: an active power component, an adjacent power block, a powered redstone comparator, a redstone repeator, or powered redstone dust.
An active activator rail will: eject mobs from minecarts, repeatedly activates command block minecarts, disables hopper minecarts, and primes TNT minecarts.
Activator rails are redstone based minecart rails that activate minecarts that pass over them. Activator rails can be crafted with six pieces of iron, two sticks, and a redstone torch and serve a variety of useful purposes.
A. An activator rail can be used to move minecarts and they can be activated by: an active power component, an adjacent power block, a powered redstone comparator, a redstone repeator, or powered redstone dust. An active activator rail will: eject mobs from minecarts, repeatedly activates command block minecarts, disables hopper minecarts, and primes TNT minecarts.
A. Activator rails should be 38 blocks apart to maintain top speed.
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