Allium is a rare flower in Minecraft that was added in 2013 in Java update 1.7.2. Allium can only be found in the Flower Forest biome. They can be made into magenta dye.
Allium can only be found in the Flower Forest biome. On rare occasions, they can be found in woodland mansions.
One allium flower can be used to create two magenta dyes. Magenta dye can be used to create blocks such as magenta wool. Allium flowers can also be put in flower pots for decoration.
Allium flowers are one of the rarest and prettiest flowers in Minecraft. Since they can only be found in a single biome, they are harder to find, but finding them is worth it for their beautiful color and shape.
A. One allium flower can be used to create two magenta dyes, which can be used to create blocks such as magenta wool.
A. Allium flowers are pretty rare since they can only be found in the Flower Forest biome and on very rare occasions, in woodland mansions.
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