The Blackstone block is a dark-colored block that functions quite similar to cobblestone or cobbled deep slate. This block can be exclusively found in the Nether, specifically in Nether Wastes and Basalt Deltas. They were added to the game in v1.16.
A Blackstone block (via screenshot)
The only places where you can find naturally generated Blackstone are underground in either Basalt Deltas or in Nether Wastes. They are also generated as structural blocks in Bastion Remnants. Sometimes you might also be able to receive them through trading with piglins.
Blackstone found in a Basalt Delta (via screenshot)
Blackstone is a good substitute for cobblestone while you are in the Nether as it can be used to craft furnaces, tools, weapons, and brewing stands. It can also be used to repair stone tools using an anvil. Blackstone can be turned into polished Blackstone by arranging it in a 2x2 square in a crafting grid. There are some restrictions to how many things can be made out of Blackstone, you cannot make dispensers, droppers, and pistons, among others.
Making a furnace from Blackstone (via screenshot)
Blackstone is a great substitute for cobblestone, especially when exploring the Nether as it can be used to make new tools and weapons such as stone axes, stone swords, and stone pickaxes. Other than its crafting uses it is used as a decorative block as it can be cut into fences and other shapes with the help of a stonecutter.
A. Blackstone is not rare at all but getting to it can prove challenging as it is exclusively found in the Nether.
A. The most common use of Blackstone is as a substitute for cobblestone.
A. Yes, but it is quite rare as it will spawn along with a ruined portal.
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