In v1.9.0 Mojang added boats with chests to the game and they can be used to transport items along with a player or mob across bodies of water. This is a welcome addition to the game as before players had to make multiple trips across water bodies to transfer items from one location to another.
Boat with Chest in water (Via Screenshots)
To get yourself one of these you need to have a chest along with a boat already crafted beforehand. Combining the two is fairly simple. You need to place the chest and the boat anywhere in the crafting grid since no special formation is required, and you have yourself a Boat with Chest.
Crafting a Chest with Boat (Via Screenshots)
The inventory size of the Boat with Chest is identical to that of a single chest. You can access its inventory by interacting with the boat while sneaking (crouching). The boat can carry only one entity with the chest whereas regular boats can carry two entities. The ability to transport more items with you while traveling over water bodies is nice to have.
Chest with Boat inventory size (Via Screenshots)
The addition of Boat with Chest has been a helpful and quite useful addition to the game. They even work with hoppers just like Minecart with chest making them more than just some extra inventory space.
A. You need a boat and a single chest.
A. Yes, Boat with Chest was added to Minecraft in the latest update v1.9.
A. The inventory size is identical to that of a normally placed single chest.
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