Bone blocks are storage blocks that are equivalent to nine pieces of bone meal. They were added to Minecraft in the Frostburn Update. They are most commonly found buried deep underground in the Overworld and above ground in the Nether. Sometimes you can find a bunch of bone blocks in a formation to make a fossil structure.
A bone block (via screenshot)
Bone blocks are naturally generated in the world as parts of fossils or just by themselves. Fossils are commonly found in desert and swamp biomes in the Overworld. In order to pick up a bone block, you will need to use a pickaxe, as nothing will drop when a different or no tool is used to break them. You can make bone blocks by placing nine pieces of bone meal in a crafting grid.
Crafting a bone block from bone meal (via screenshot)
The primary use of bone block is to provide compact storage for bone meal. A single bone block is made up of 9 individual pieces of bone meal. They can also be placed under a note block to produce a xylophone sound.
Using a bone block to store 9 pieces of bone meal (via screenshot)
Bone blocks don't have a special purpose to them as they are designed to be used as storage for bone meal. But players can use them for creative purposes such as decorations or building fossil structures of their own.
A. Bone blocks are mostly used as decorative blocks.
A. To make a bone block you will have to fill up the 3x3 crafting grid of a crafting table with bone meal.
A. Fossil structures have a 1 in 64 chance of being generated in a chunk.
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