A carved pumpkin is a carved version of a pumpkin that can be worn or used to spawn golems. It can be made by using shears on a pumpkin placed in the world. Carved pumpkins will naturally generate in a rail room in woodland mansions and are a part of scarecrows in pillager outposts.
A carved pumpkin (via screenshot)
There are a number of ways you can get a carved pumpkin, the most common is just carving a regular pumpkin with shears. Zombies, zombie villagers, skeletons, wither skeletons, drowned, husks, strays, and zombified piglins have a chance of wearing a carved pumpkin on their head if they spawn during Halloween. You can also steal the carved pumpkin that a snow golem wears by using shears on it.
Used shears on a regular pumpkin to get a carved pumpkin (via screenshot)
Carved pumpkins are commonly used for either making snow golems or iron golems. To make a snow golem you will need two snow blocks and a carved pumpkin, and for iron golems, you will need three iron blocks and a carved pumpkin. You can also make Jack ’O Lanterns with carved pumpkins. You can also enchant them with the curse of binding and vanishing with the help of an anvil.
Making an iron golem (via screenshot)
Carved pumpkins are essential to making golems, as without them there is no other way to make a golem. They can also be worn by the player as a helmet, this will create a pattern over the player’s vision. Other than that they are mostly used for decoration.
A. Naturally generated carved pumpkins can be found in woodland mansions as well as in pillager outposts.
A. Carved pumpkins were added to Minecraft in update v1.4.
A. To make a Jack ‘O Lantern you will need to place a torch below a carved pumpkin in the crafting grid.
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