Coal ore is a mineral block that will drop coal when mined with a pickaxe. It has two variants- coal ore and Deepslate coal ore. Coal ore can be commonly found at any depth whereas Deepslate coal ore is rare and only generated at the top of the deepslate layer.
Regular coal next to Deepslate coal (via screenshot)
Coal ore is generated in the Overworld in small underground clusters or inside mountains. There are two batches per chunk during generation. The first batch will attempt to generate 30 times per chunk in clusters of 0-37, evenly from levels 136 to 320. The second batch attempts 20 times to generate at levels 0-37. When broken with a pickaxe, it will drop coal and can also drop between 0-2 experience orbs. They are commonly found underground, in caves, and in mountains.
Coal inside a cave (via screenshot)
Coal ore provides the mineral coal which is useful for fueling furnaces and making torches. Coal ore has no purpose other than providing coal.
Coal ore is quite useful as it provides you with coal which is a great fuel for furnaces as they are quite efficient. Since coal ore is not hard to find, it is the perfect candidate for all your smelting needs.
A. You can increase the number of coal drops by using a pickaxe with the Fortune enchantment on it.
A. The best level for finding coal ore is between Y levels 95 and 96.
A. No, both items have the same burning capacity. Their burn time is 80 seconds.
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