The copper ore block is a mineral block that can be found underground. There is also a variant known as deepslate copper ore found deeper underground in the deepslate layer. It was added to Minecraft in v1.17 and was made as abundant as iron ore.
Copper ore in a cave (via screenshot)
Copper ore is naturally generated anywhere in the Overworld, in clusters. Copper ore replaces stone, granite, diorite, tuff, and deepslate. Copper ore is abundantly generated in beach biomes, especially on stony shores. You must mine a copper ore block with a pickaxe in order to get copper ore. When broken with any other tool or by hand, you will get nothing from it. Upon breaking it, you will get between 2-5 pieces of raw copper. This number can be increased up to 20 copper with the Fortune III enchantment.
Copper ore is smelted to obtain copper ingots, which are crafting ingredients for copper blocks, spyglasses, and lightning rods. Copper ore does not weather like its block counterpart, though the ore itself shows some oxidization.
Smelting raw copper into copper ingots (via screenshot)
Copper ore is a mineral ore that is required for obtaining raw copper that is used for multiple uses such as decoration, construction, and making items such as spyglasses. Copper ore is not hard to find as they are as common as iron ore, maybe more so.
A. The primary use of copper ore is to obtain copper ingots.
A. The Y level at which copper ore can be found in abundance is between levels 47 and 48.
A. Copper ore is most abundant in the Boreal Forest biome.
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