Diamond ore is a rare ore that can be found deep underground and is the only reliable source of diamonds. They have a variant known as Deepslate diamond ore which can only be found in the deepslate and tuff layers of the Overworld.
A block of diamond ore (via screenshot)
Diamond ore and its variant are naturally generated deep underground in the Overworld. The lower you go the more common and easier it becomes. Once you have found a diamond ore you will have to break it with an iron, diamond, or nethrite pickaxe so that it drops diamonds. When mined with any other tool you will not receive anything.
Naturally generated diamond ore (via screenshot)
Diamond ore when broken will drop individual diamonds. These diamonds can then be used to make tools, armor, and other things such as enchantment tables. Diamond ores simply exist to naturally generate diamonds and give players a reliable source of them.
A diamond (via screenshot)
Diamond ore is an important mineral block that provides players with one of the best items for crafting tools and armor. Its purpose is to make finding diamonds easier and more reliable.
A. Y level 11 is a good level to look for diamonds but -59 is the best.
A. Yes, you can pick up diamond ore if mined with a tool with the silk touch enchantment on it.
A. No, once a diamond ore block is broken it will drop diamonds that can be used without smelting.
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