Gilded blackstone is a variant of blackstone that can drop gold nugget when mined or drop as a block. It can be called a type of gold ore as does drop gold nuggets that can be turned into gold ingots. This was added to Minecraft in v1.16.
A block of gilded blackstone (via screenshot)
Gilded blackstone is naturally generated as part of bastion remnants and is commonly found beneath loot chests. You will need a pickaxe to mine it, once broken it will either drop gold nuggets or itself as a block. When mined without a pickaxe nothing will be dropped. They have a 10% chance of dropping between 2 and 5 gold nuggets.
You can increase the drop rate of gold nuggets with fortune enchantment, the chances will increase to 14.3%, 25%, and 100% with Fortunes I, II, and III respectively. If you want to pick up the block it is recommended to use a pickaxe enchanted with silk touch. You can also find gilded blackstone in chests found throughout a bastion remnant.
Naturally generated gilded blackstone in a bastion remnant (via screenshot)
Gilded blackstone can either drop gold nuggets or itself as a block, but since its gold drop rate is quite low it is mostly used as a decorative block. They are one of few naturally generated sources of gold in the nether, so if you are planning on trading with piglins they aren't as bad for obtaining gold especially if you have a pickaxe with Fortune II or III as those two increase the chances of gold nuggets being dropped.
Gold nuggets dropped after mining gilded blackstone (via screenshot)
Gilded Blackstone is a gold-bearing variant of regular blackstone that can drop gold nuggets. These blocks have a low drop rate naturally so they are mostly used for decorative purposes instead of as a source of gold.
A. No, gilded blackstone cannot be made by players with a crafting table or furnace. This block is naturally generated only in bastion remnants.
A. Gilded blackstone is primarily used as a decorative block but it can be used to distract piglins as they are attracted to it since they contain gold.
A. You cannot smelt gilded blackstone as it is not an ore.
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