Banners Minecraft are colorful, easy to craft items that add flair and distinctiveness to your Minecraft Base. Any player that has access to the iron level of technology will be able to easily craft dozens of these banners with minimal effort.
Much like Carpets, Banners are crafted from dyeable Wool, allowing for up to 16 variations of colors! Each recipe is very similar and only requires dye or pre-dyed wool blocks to change color. Unlike Carpets, the player cannot change the color of the banner once it is created.
While any player can craft 16 varieties of this item, there are certain variations that cannot be crafted! Read more to discover how to find these unique designs and patterns.
In the 3x3 crafting grid, fill each of the top two rows with one unit of one color of wool. Then, place a single stick in the bottom of the center column to complete the recipe.
Banners have 3 distinct uses outside of decorating bases. They can be used to customize Shields, as map markers and finally can be customized themselves in a Loom.
To use a banner to customize a shield, simply place it in crafting table as shown below:
Crafting a Shield with a Banner customizes the look of the shield.
By interacting with a banner while holding a Map, the player can create a persistent marker on their map to signify loot, mobs, danger, or even a forward operating base. Interacting with the Banner again erases the marker.
Map with White Banner Marker
Finally, the banner can be customized with 6 unique patterns.
Banner being customized using a Loom
Q. Can banners be used as a decorative way to block paths?
Unfortunately, banners cannot be used in this way as they do not collide with players or mobs. However, this means that you can place banners anywhere without fear of blocking entrances or exits.
Q. Can only one pattern be applied per banner?
Minecraft allows for 6 simultaneous layers of patterns. Despite the simplicity of this block, there are literally countless banner pattern combinations!
Banners are the most flexible and customizable Minecraft decoration block. They allow for infinite possibilities for decoration, creating a logo for your base or creating markers for your Over world. A little wool and a stick can go a long way in terms of making your base into a home.
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