Have you ever seen a Fish in Minecraft and immediately wanted it as a pet? Turns out, this feature has been added to Minecraft! No longer must players wait around using the Fishing pole, hoping for a small chance at a bite. Instead, craft a bucket and jump directly into the ocean!
Players will be able to catch up to fish just by swimming, no enchantments required. By using this method players can stock up a few buckets to catch one of each type of fish. Tropical Fish can be found in any Lukewarm or Warm Ocean.
You need a Bucket and water before finding a Tropical Fish, but you can find water easily.
With a Bucket of Water, approach a Tropical Fish. Press the use key on the Tropical Fish to place it in your own Bucket!
Catch the Tropical Fish by pressing the use key while holding a Bucket of Water
Q. Can you catch other mobs this way?
There are a few other examples of fish that will sit happily inside of a bucket. Some of these fish include Salmon, Cod, and Axoltyl.
With a Bucket, players can contain all kinds of liquids. With a Water Bucket, players can actually keep Fish alive indefinitely inside of their inventory, which is a very convenient way to transport them long distances. Tropical Fish in particular may not spawn near the player, as colder biomes will not house these fish, so this transport method is quite useful!
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