Ender Chests are quietly the most flexible storage block in Minecraft, and surprisingly requires an immense amount of luck and skill to craft. These chests put the rest of the storage options to shame by allowing remote access to a storage dimension from anywhere in the game. From the Nether to the Overworld, you can depend on an Ender Chest to serve as a kind of permanent inventory. While it will take a long time to find these chests, this block is well worth the hefty investment.
However, this block is one of the few blocks in Minecraft that requires obsidian to craft. This is significant because you must have the maximum quality tools and enchantments to even pick these blocks up. You also can only find Obsidian in the deepest depths in Minecraft, in hazardous areas full of lava and other dangers.
Eye of Enders can be obtained from Endermen.
Place an eye of Ender in the center of the Crafting Grid. Surround it with Obsidian Blocks to create one Ender Chest.
Just hold onto it for now.
Follow our tutorial on building a Portal to the Nether.
You have created the rare Eye of Ender. Be careful with it.
Beware of lava.
Ender Chests function the same as any other storage option in Minecraft - You can place things in it when your inventory is full and remove them whenever you want. The trick with this item is that it allows you to access a singular inventory across multiple points - and these won’t disappear when you die. Ender Chests are like a permanent inventory.
The Ender Chest UI
Q. Can I convert this chest into a Double Ender Chest?
Double Chests are undoubtedly useful as they allow you to double the storage capacity of any given chest by placing an identical one adjacently. Unfortunately, this still has not been implemented into the game and you cannot combine two Ender Chests into one Large repository. You can only have a single instance of Ender Chests, which means that you can only utilize the capacity of a single Ender Chest..
For any player with multiple bases, the Ender Chest is a staple. This must-have chest has unparalleled usefulness, even allowing long range inventory management across dimensions. Players will need to craft 2 or more of these items when they wish to use the long range transfer functions. You will need to plan for mining so much Obsidian, so make sure to bring a bucket of water with you when you go spelunking.
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