The variety of different materials that you can use or make within Minecraft is broad as it is vast, and smooth quartz is no exception to this. A different variation of quartz itself, this material can be useful if you are going for a different theme for a structure that you are building. In this article, we shall go over how exactly you can gain smooth quartz as well as what will be required to make it.
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Place your furnace on the ground.
Place your fuel and quartz in their respective slots and then wait for the fuel to do the rest.
Take out your smooth quartz and you should be good to go.
Command: /give @p smooth_quartz 1
There aren’t many uses for Smooth quartz beyond simple decoration.
Mostly appearance. This is due to smooth quartz living up to its name making its textures appear more smooth in comparison to their former counterpart.
If you would like a more physical example of how to make smooth quartz blocks then this video is just for you:
When it comes to smooth quartz it doesn’t have all that much of a difference in comparison to regular quartz in terms of utility since they can both only be used for decoration. With that being said, however, it can offer aesthetic differences if you want a different look for a setting that you’re building.
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