Trapped Chests are an excellent way to surprise friends in MInecraft. That is because these blocks look very similar to a normal chest and thus you can task yourself to punishing the greedy players amongst us by setting a deadly trap in tandem with this Trapped Chest. By connecting the chest with Redstone to TNT or an arrow Dispenser, the player can easily craft a death trap. Trapped Chests can also be found randomly in Mansions, so beware!
When a Trapped Chest is opened, it automatically transmits a Redstone signal for as long as it is opened. One can discern if a chest is trapped by taking a look at the locking mechanism of the chest; if it is red, then it is a Trapped Chest.
Wooden Planks will be crafted into a chest, if you already have one on hand.
Place a Tripwire Hook and Chest on the crafting grid in any configuration to craft your Trapped Chest.
Learn more about how to operate Furnaces by clicking on this link.
Two Tripwire Hooks, crafted!
You need 8 Wooden Planks of any variety.
While the Trapped Chest is opened, it transmits the Redstone signal. This means that you can catch players in the middle of looting, while they are distracted. Players can then set up a carefully laid trap, where this Redstone signal is connected to deadly blocks such as TNT or Arrow Dispensers.
Trapped chest in its inactive state.
Q. What should I avoid when setting up traps using the Trapped Chest?
You must avoid any water or pistons interfering with the Hooks themselves. Beyond that precaution, they are not easily destroyed with the exception of lava.
Q. Is there any reason to hold onto excess Trapped Chests?
Trapped Chests are necessary crafting ingredients for both Trapped Chests and Crossbows, which are useful in both PvP and PvE contexts. You can use Crossbows as a powerful ranged weapon, while the Trapped Chest is a sneakier tool which can actually be activated by Trapped Chests.
Trapped Chests are very inexpensive blocks. If any entity, including a player, mob, or even a thrown item passes through the Trapped Chest’s string, it will automatically activate and transmit a redstone signal. Create a secret base, puzzle, or other feature using this highly versatile detection block. You will find no other block that can monitor as large of an area as the Trapped Chests.
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