Iron ore is a rare ore that can be found in all biomes in clusters of up to 9 blocks. Iron ore has a variant known as deepslate iron ore that can only be found in the deepslate and tuff layer of the Overworld. When broken with a pickaxe it will drop raw iron which is an important resource. This material is used for tools and armor as it has pretty good durability.
A block of iron ore (via screenshot)
Iron ore is naturally generated in the Overworld in clusters underground and it is most commonly found around layers 0-13. It is most commonly found around level 255. To get an Iron ore block you will need to use a pickaxe enchanted with silk touch. If broken with a regular pickaxe, raw Iron will be dropped.
Deepslate and regular iron ore (via screenshot)
Iron is primarily a source of raw iron which is used a lot for making tools, armor, weapons, and blocks. Iron tools, weapons, and armor are quite popular as they have good durability. Items and blocks such as anvils, water buckets, hoppers, etc. require iron ingots to make.
Smelting raw iron ore into iron ingots (via screenshot)
Iron ore is an important mineral block that provides players with raw iron. Iron is a widely used metal for making armor, weapons, and tool as sourcing iron is not that difficult and it had better durability as compared to gold weapons, tools, and armor. Iron is also a prime component of numerous crafting recipes.
A. Iron ore has the highest possible chance to spawn around Y=232. Once you hit Y=80, iron starts to generate more and more until it reaches that point.
A. Shipwrecks are really good for getting iron without mining.
A. Y level 16 is the best while mining for iron ore underground.
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