Mangrove roots are blocks that can be found at the base of mangrove trees, they were added along with mangrove trees in update v1.19. The roots of Mangroves vary in size and have a unique waterlogging feature.
Mangrove roots at the base of a mangrove tree (Via Screenshot)
Mangrove roots form naturally at the base of mangrove trees and Mangrove trees can be found in mangrove swamps. Just like mangrove swamps, they are not easy to find and an ax is the best choice for harvesting them as they break quickly but, you can break them with your hands as well.
A mangrove swamp (Via Screenshot)
Mangrove Roots are quite versatile with lots of features and uses. One of its important and unique features is its waterlogging capabilities. The block itself can hold water and manipulate its flow as well, this allows players to use it in creative ways to control and manipulate water flow.
A waterlogged mangrove root (Via Screenshot)
Other than that it can be used for decorating your base or can be even used to fuel your furnace if you are in a pinch, though it's not the best at it as it can only smelt 1.5 items. So far there is only one crafting recipe for it, which allows you to fill the roots with mud and get yourself a muddy mangrove root.
Mangrove roots being used to fuel a furnace (Via Screenshots)
These blocks can be used in Redstone circuits as they allow Redstone signals to pass through them even if roots are waterlogged, following the same mechanics for other waterlogged blocks.
So far Mangrove roots have been quite exciting and show a lot of promise hopefully, more features and crafting recipes are added and give this block some more uses. The waterlogging feature is nice to have.
A. No, mangrove propagules grow on the leaves of the mangrove tree.
A. Yes, you can use them to fuel your furnaces.
A. Technically you can build anything with them but can be used for decorative purposes quite effectively.
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