Moss blocks are naturally generated blocks that spread to other blocks when bone meal is used on them. Moss Blocks primarily spawn within the Lush Cave biomes but players can also obtain them in other ways.
A moss block (via screenshot)
Moss blocks are naturally generated on the ceiling and floors of lush caves, you can break these with any tool or your hand to pick them up. The hoe is the quickest tool in breaking moss blocks. You also have a chance of finding moss blocks in loot chests aboard shipwrecks.
Moss block inside lush caves (via screenshot)
Moss blocks can be used to create mossy variants of blocks such as cobblestone and stone bricks. You can also craft moss carpets from moss blocks. All plants except the cactus can be placed on top of a moss block for decorative purposes. When bone meal is used on a moss block it will spread to its adjacent block.
Mossy cobblestone and mossy stone brick used for decorating a house (via screenshot)
Moss blocks are naturally generated blocks that can be picked up by players and used for decoration purposes. You can craft carpets and mossy variants of stone blocks such as cobblestone and stone bricks.
A. You cannot craft moss blocks but they can be found in abundance in the lush caves biomes.
A. You cannot grow moss blocks, the only way to obtain them is through lush caves or shipwreck loot.
A. Mossy cobblestone and mossy stone bricks are mossy variants that are made with moss blocks.
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