Mud blocks are a new addition to the game with patch 1.9. Finding them is a bit hard considering they are found in mangrove swamps, but worry not. You can create them with the help of some water and dirt.
A mud block in the swamp (Via Screenshots)
Mud is naturally generated in mangrove swamps and can be picked up with the help of a shovel. Mining with hands works as well. If you are struggling to find a mangrove swamp, you can make them yourself as well, all you will need are some water bottles and dirt. You can also use coarse dirt or rooted dirt. Once you have water and dirt, you simply need to use the water on the dirt block which will transform into a mud block.
Mud found in the mangrove swamps (Via Screenshots)
Mud has some special properties and is quite different from regular blocks. It is similar to soul sand since any entity that is standing on top will slowly sink into the mud, but it doesn't reduce your movement speed as soul sand does. For Bedrock Edition players, mud behaves like a regular block, and entities do not sink into them. Hoppers underneath the mud are not able to collect dropped items on top of it. As of right now, mud can be used in only two crafting recipes- muddy mangrove roots and packed wheat. They can also be turned into clay if placed on top of a block with a dripstone below it.
Crafting recipes involving mud (Via Screenshot)
Mud is a nice addition that makes the swamp biome more immersive and brings new life into these biomes. They don't have a lot of uses at the moment, but the ability to turn them into clay makes clay easier to get.
A. Placing a mud block on top of a block with a dripstone below it will slowly “dry out” the mud block turning it into clay.
A. To make mud you need to simply right-click on any variation of dirt block with a bottle of water.
A. Mud blocks are naturally generated in the mangrove swamp biome.
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