Netherite is a mineral resource that is found in the Nether and it is generated naturally as netherite scraps which is a material smelted from ancient debris. Netherite scraps can be crafted into netherite ingots that can be used for making tools, armor, and in a lot of crafting recipes.
A netherite ingot, block, and scrap (via screenshot)
Netherite is naturally generated as ancient debris that is found throughout the nether. You can also find netherite scraps in loot chests located in bastion remnants. These two forms are the only natural sources of netherite.
Ancient debris found in the nether (via screenshot)
Netherite is a rare resource that is used to upgrade diamond armor, weapons, and tools into netherite ones. It can also be used to craft netherite blocks which is a compact way of storing netherite ingots or power beacons.
Upgrading a diamond sword into a netherite one (via screenshot)
Netherite is the strongest and most durable mineral in the game as such, it is widely used for upgrading weapons and armor primarily. Since it is hard to come by it is recommended that you use it carefully and sparingly.
A. As per its name, netherite is only found in the nether in the form of blocks of ancient debris that are smelted to produce netherite scraps.
A. The fastest way to get netherite is by blowing up large chunks of blocks within the nether.
A. Blocks of ancient debris can be found between levels 8 and 22.
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