An observer can be quite useful for those who wish to create automatic farms or complex devices that do not require the player to physically do anything. In this article, we shall go over how to create an observer as well as give an example as to how they function, because they can be surprisingly complex, yet using them is at the same time rather straightforward.
The composition of an observer is half composed of a common ingredient as well as composed of rare ingredients. The following is what will be required of you:
Gathering cobblestone can be quite easy once you dig in the ground after a while. The Redstone and nether quartz will be a tad bit more difficult. For Redstone dust, you are going to have to mine in the deep slate layer of the world you are in if you seek to obtain it. Nether quartz can obviously only be found in the Nether realm.
Once you have your ingredients, it’s only a simple matter of combining them on a crafting table. After that, you will finally have your observer.
In order for you to understand how to use an observer, you need to first understand how it works. There are two main parts to the observer: the face and the red signal button on the back. If the observing face is facing directly towards a block and witnesses a change with that block, the rear of the observer activates, sending a pulse of sorts. This Redstone pulse will affect and activate any Redstone dust, comparator, repeater along with many other contraptions within its range.
For example, if you were to place a block in front of an observer, this would count as a change for the device which would release a red pulse for anything behind it, and facing its Redstone button on the back.
Continuing on this thought, if some Redstone dust trail was facing the red pulse button of the observer the pulse would activate the dust and by proxy, if the dust was connected to an unlit Redstone lamp, the now active Redstone dust would light the lamp up temporarily.
This of course also means that if the block is destroyed, the observer will count this as another change which will cause it to release yet another pulse.
This is but one example of what you can accomplish with an observer, for the possibilities and contraptions that you can create with the help of such a device are nearly limitless. You have greater options than you might even realize when you consider the way you can set up these observers and the creative methods you can attempt when causing blocks in front of it to change.
Getting the resources for this device could be taxing, especially if you are unprepared for a trip to the Nether. But if you get enough of these observers, farming or even having the general quality of life devices could be an easy reality to obtain if you desire to seek it out enough. How you use the potential of these observers is up to you.
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