The pointed dripstone is a block that was added to Minecraft in the Caves and Cliffs update. They are generated on the floor and ceilings of dripstone caves and come in two variants: stalagmites and stalactites.
A pointed dripstone (via screenshot)
Pointed Dripstones can be found in dripstone caves and can be picked up by simply breaking them with any tool, but the pickaxe is the quickest. Sometimes, a wandering trader will sell you 2 pointed dripstones for 2 emeralds.
Pointed dripstone is a dripstone cave (via screenshot)
Pointed dripstone comes in two different forms, stalactites and stalagmites. Pointed dripstones can damage players and entities for up to 40 health points. Pointed dripstones are used to convert mud into clay by placing mud on a block above the dripstone. Pointed dripstones are also used to make dripstone blocks by combining four pieces of pointed dripstones in a 2x2 formation.
Crafting a dripstone block (via screenshot)
Pointed dripstones are a naturally generated structure found only in dripstone caves. They are used to make clay out of mud blocks. They are quite dangerous as they can deal up to 40 damage to players.
A. Pointed dripstone can be used to create traps or turn mud into clay over time.
A. Yes, players can grow pointed dripstone but it takes quite a bit of time. The process can be accelerated by placing a water source above it.
A. You can create a lava farm by placing a lava source block above a pointed dripstone and a cauldron below it to collect lava.
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