Powder snow is a trap block that can be found on snowy slopes and groves biomes. Entities and mobs will fall through these blocks if they walk over them. It also slowly freezes and damages mobs and players.
A block of powder snow (via screenshot)
Powder snow is naturally generated in the snowy slopes and groves biomes. It can be collected by using an empty bucket. Another way to collect powder snow is by leaving a cauldron out in the snowfall. It will slowly fill up with powder snow which can be collected with an empty bucket.
Snowy slopes biome (via screenshot)
Powder snow can be used to make traps that will kill mobs slowly, as most walking mobs (except for goats) treat powder snow as normal solid blocks while pathfinding, similar to trapdoors. This causes them to voluntarily walk into it, and fall through it if possible.
Mobs and players that fall into powder snow will start freezing after a couple of seconds. This is indicated after the player/mobs start shivering visibly. Powder snow does 1 damage every two seconds making the death a cold and slow one. If the mob or player is wearing leather boots, they will not fall into powder snow and can just climb out of it similar to a scaffolding block. Wearing any piece of leather armor also negates the freezing damage done by the powder snow block.
A skeleton trapped in powder snow (via screenshot)
Powder snow is a trap block in which mobs and players can sink into, slowly freezing and dying after a while if proper countermeasures aren’t taken. By wearing leather armor of any type, players and mobs can negate the damage done by the powder snow.
A. No, powder snow cannot be crafted on a crafting table or in a furnace.
A. Powder snow is most commonly found in the snowy slopes and groves biomes.
A. If a mob that is on fire comes in contact with powder snow, it will melt it.
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