The pressure plate is an item that can be used to activate certain blocks and items. It outputs a redstone signal when activated. The most common use of a pressure plate is to open a door. There are currently four types of pressure plates. The first two are wooden and stone. The other two types are iron and gold.
An oak pressure plate (via screenshot)
Pressure Plates can be found across the world. Stone pressure plates can be found in desert pyramids and in ancient cities. Oak, Acacia, and Spruce variants can be found in some plains, savanna, and snowy tundra villages. You can find the Light Weighted Pressure Plate in loot chests found at ruined portals. To craft your own pressure plates you will need two blocks/ingots of the desired variant of the pressure plate.
Crafting an oak pressure plate (via screenshot)
Pressure plates can be used to detect entities on top of it as they make a noise and send out a redstone signal. A pressure plate activates when an entity is on top of it (specifically, when the entity's collision mask intersects the bottom quarter-block of the pressure plate's space, which may include entities flying close to the ground), with a minimum activation time of 1 second.
A stone pressure plate opening a door (via screenshot)
Pressure plates are a popular redstone block that are used most commonly for opening doors. Since they output a redstone signal they are also used in redstone circuits. When placed on a note block they produce a bass sound.
A. A pressure plate is a non-solid block that outputs a redstone signal when an entity steps on it.
A. No, all pressure plates can be activated by mobs.
A. When a player or mob steps on the pressure plate, the TNT will be activated and dropdown.
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