The prismarine block is a stone-like block that can only be found underwater in ocean monuments and ruins. It changes its color periodically between blue and green. They can be turned into a couple of variants through either a crafting table or a stonecutter.
A block of prismarine (via screenshot)
Prismarine is naturally generated deep underwater in ocean monuments and ruins. To pick them up, you will need to break them with a pickaxe, because if any other tool is used, you will not receive anything. An ocean monument is primarily made out of different variants of prismarine blocks. The pillars that support the structure are made of regular prismarine whereas dark prismarine can be found encasing the eight gold blocks you can find in the monument. Players can also make prismarine and its variant on their own by using prismarine shards with various items such as ink sacs and black dye.
Prismarine and multiple variants found in an ocean monument (via screenshot)
Prismarine is primarily a building and decorative block. Along with its cut and crafted variants, it can be used to construct and enhance a structure. The cracks present in the texture of prismarine blocks randomly change their colors from time to time in an irregular sequence. They cycle through light blue, dark blue, purple, and green. This change in the colors takes a little over five minutes.
Making dark prismarine from prismarine shards and black ink (via screenshot)
Regular prismarine, dark prismarine, and prismarine bricks have the ability to activate a conduit by simply building a structure around it. By doing this, the conduit emits the "Conduit Power" effect in a certain radius, depending on how many blocks are used to power it.
The prismarine block is exclusively found in ocean monuments and ruins. They can be crafted by players by combining prismarine shards in a crafting grid. Due to their unique texture and ability to change color, they are primarily used as decorative blocks.
A. Elder guardians and guardians will drop prismarine shards when killed.
A. Prismarine shards can be used to craft sea lanterns, prismarine, prismarine bricks, and dark prismarine
A. The easiest and most reliable way to procure prismarine is by simply mining the naturally generated prismarine found at ocean monuments and ruins.
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