Sculk catalysts are an interesting addition to the 1.19 update to Java Minecraft. The sculk catalyst is a block that generates different sculk blocks around it when a mob that drops experience is killed nearby. Sculk catalysts do not generate more of itself, but does generate other types of sculk blocks.
Sculk catalysts are generated within the deep dark biome. They can be found within chests in the ancient city, dropped as mob loot after killing a Warden, or they can be mined using any tool (though hoes are the quickest). As sculk catalysts are only found withing the deep dark biome and within ancient cities, you will have the best luck searching underneath biomes with low erosion values such as a mountain peak or a plateau. Sculk catalysts drop 20 experience if they are mined with a tool which does not have silk touch.
Sculk catalysts give off soul particles and create a patch of sculk with sculk veins around them when a mob dies within eight blocks of itself. If surrounded by blocks other than sculk feature blocks, it turns the blocks around the dead Mob into Sculk or Sculk Vein. If a mob is killed and detected by the sculk catalyst while over a sculk block, it may occasionally result in the growth of a sculk sen. Sculk catalysts react regardless of how the mob dies.
Instead of granting experience, a bubbling charge appears where the mob died and the charge then travels through sculk until it finds a replaceable block. The strength of the sculk spread depends on amount of experience the mob dropped when it was killed. Several sculk charges may end up on the same block and then merge, with up to 1000 charges per block.
If a mob dies and the charge is detected more than 4 blocks from a catalyst, a sculk block then has a chance to use 10 experience to grow either a sculk shrieker (1% chance) or a sculk sensor (9% chance). Sculk shriekers and sculk sensors cannot spawn if there are 2 or more sensors within a 9×3×9 box with the box centered on the bubbling charge location.
The death of a player can also effect the sculk catalyst if the player has acquired enough experience, with the catalyst spreading a number of sculk blocks depending on player experience, with no spreading occurring if a player dies with no experience. A sculk catalyst does not respond to the death of mobs that do not yield experience (such as baby animals) or the death of the ender dragon.
A. Sculk catalysts create patches of sculk with sculk veins around them when a mob dies within eight blocks of itself.
A. The 1.19 Minecraft Java update introduced the deep dark and mangrove biomes, new items obtainable only in these new biomes, ancient cities, mobs such as the warden, the frog, the tadpole, and the allay.
Sculk catalysts bring a new level of depth into the 1.19 Minecraft Java update, and make acquiring useful blocks such as Skulk Sensors much easier. This allows players to get the most out of the deep dark biome.
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