Sometimes when it comes to giving instructions in Minecraft a direct approach will be necessary to get your point across. For those who wish to impart a lesson or to leave a guide for a certain task, an item beyond a simple sign will be needed for efficiency. In a certain edition of Minecraft, that tool to accomplish this is the slate.
First and foremost, before you can even think of using this item, you need to have the right version of the game in order to have access to it. The Java version will unfortunately not have access to the slate. You will instead need to have access to the Education Version of the game for access to the item you seek.
This is mostly because the slate is used by instructors and teachers to assist in a lesson when teaching in Minecraft. With this in mind, take care you have access to the education edition before you consider using this item.
If you do indeed have access to the education edition, you can go into the items section of the game and acquire the slate. As far as command summons go, keep in mind that another name for this item would be a chalkboard which is going to be useful for summoning the item using a command. Below you will see the aforementioned command to summon your slate if you don’t want to bother using the item search.
Command: give @p board 1 1
Almost immediately you will no doubt notice the small size of the slate board. It is only 1 block high and 1 block wide and it is considered the smallest of the rest of its kind. This can be useful to your advantage since it will not be taking up a lot of space for whatever lesson you are trying to impart to potential students. Keep in mind though that this can work both ways as the small size means you will not be able to write too detailed instructions.
To use the slate, you simply need to only treat it as you would a sign in the regular version of the game. Place the board down on the ground or anywhere that you would like and from there you press the use button to write in whatever instructions you wish to impart upon anyone that comes across this slate. What separates this board from a regular sign, however, is the fact that you can block access to editing by locking the sign entirely.
What this means is that when you right-click your personal board, write something and then lock it, you can then prevent anyone else from editing any of your work. This allows you to monopolize access to the lesson you are trying to impart so that nobody can interrupt it through unplanned interruptions.
A slate is an item with a great amount of utility that could be used for those who are tasked with completing a set of objectives or instructions. With this item, it makes instructing others that much more efficient than one would expect in the education edition of Minecraft.
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