A slime block is a block that is made of nine slime balls which makes it a convenient and compact way of storing slime balls as the block can be separated into slime balls. It has bouncy and sticky properties making it quite popular in redstone builds with pistons that move blocks. They were added to Minecraft in v1.8.
A slime block (via screenshot)
Slime blocks arent generated naturally in any biome but they can only be crafted by combining nine slime balls through a crafting table. They are quite fragile and can be broken instantly regardless of what tool is being used.
Making a slime block from slime balls (via screenshot)
Slime blocks are slippery and bouncy, these properties allow them to be used for a variety of purposes.
Slime blocks have the ability to negate fall damage if the player falls on the block while holding the jump key. On contact, the player will bounce but the height quickly deteriorates, for example, a fall of 255 blocks will produce a bounce height of about 50 blocks. A player holding sneak does not bounce at all and takes fall damage.
Landing on the edge of a slime block that is bordered by anything (including air) other than another slime block is treated like landing on a solid block, receiving fall damage and not bouncing.
A player bouncing on a slime block (via screenshot)
When a slime block is pushed or pulled by a piston, it attempts to move all adjacent blocks in the same direction. The types of blocks that can be moved are the same as those that can be pulled by a sticky piston. The blocks that are moved may in turn push other blocks.
For example, a slime block sitting on the ground attempts to move the ground block underneath itself, which pushes additional ground blocks in the direction of motion just as if they were being pushed directly by a piston.
Slime blocks can be used to store nine slime balls making it a convenient way to store a large number of slime balls.
Slime blocks are quite versatile blocks that have plenty of uses and they can be made with nine slime balls. When jumped on or landed from a height player can bounce and negate fall damage by simply holding the jump key. They will stick to pistons and can be used to pull or push blocks.
A. To make slime blocks you will need nine slime balls, by filling up the 3x3 crafting grid with them you will get a slime block.
A. Slime blocks are made from slime balls whereas honey blocks are made from honey bottles. They have similar properties but honey blocks are easier to obtain.
A. Yes, slime blocks can be turned back into slime balls by simply placing them in the crafting grid.
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