Tinted glass is a decorative block that was added to Minecraft in v1.17. It is different from regular glass since it blocks light but it is transparent and players can see through it although it doesn't allow light to go through it.
A blocks of tinted glass (via screenshot)
Tinted glass doesn't generate naturally in the game, but it can be crafted by players. By combining a block of glass with four amethyst shards players can craft tinted glass. Placed tinted glass can be picked up easily as it drops as an item when broken with any tool or hands, unlike other glass blocks.
Crafting tinted glass by combing glass blocks and amethyst shards (via screenshot)
Tinted glass is a glass block that behaves like an opaque block in the sense that it doesn't allow light to pass through it even though it is visually transparent. Players can see through tinted glass which makes this a unique block. Unlike other blocks of glass tinted glass cannot be turned into glass panes.
A tinted glass block placed on a beacon to block the light beam (via screenshot)
Tinted glass is a glass block that has some unique properties, it is visually completely transparent which allows players to see through it. But, on the other hand, it doesn't allow light to pass through it. These properties make it a block with some very specific uses.
A. Tinted glass is made after combining a regular glass block with amethyst shards.
A. Only some mobs can see through tinted glass.
A. Mobs will not suffocate inside tinted glass blocks.
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