The turtle egg is a block that is made by turtles. It can produce one or more baby turtles upon hatching. Turtle eggs are laid by turtles on the beaches of various ocean biomes. They can hatch to produce additional turtles. These eggs can be found in various sizes and are covered in green spots.
Turtle eggs (via screenshot)
Turtle eggs are laid by turtles on sand blocks. They can be picked up by using a tool enchanted with silk touch. If broken without the enchantment, pushed by a piston, or broken by a player or mob falling onto it, the egg breaks without dropping anything. Another way to get turtle eggs is by breeding turtles. Turtles can be bred by feeding them seagrass.
Breeding two turtles (via screenshot)
Turtle eggs hatch on regular sand and red sand blocks. Eggs crack over time and hatch after cracking three times. They hatch significantly faster at nighttime. When a multi-egg block hatches, all eggs hatch simultaneously. Eggs do not progress toward hatching if the player is not within 128 blocks of the egg. This is due to the egg's chunk not being loaded and not receiving random ticks.
A baby turtle spawned from a turtle egg (via screenshot)
Turtle eggs are blocks that are produced by turtles. They produce baby turtles when they hatch. They are quite delicate, as walking over them can trample them. They can even be trampled by mobs such as zombies, mobs, livestock, etc.
A. Turtle eggs are used to hatch baby turtles in Minecraft. They also play a critical and unique function in many Scute farms.
A. Feeding baby turtles with seagrass accelerates their growth.
A. Eggs do not progress toward hatching if the player is not within 128 blocks of the egg. This is due to the egg's chunk not being loaded and not receiving random ticks.
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