Walls are decorative blocks that were added to Minecraft in v1.4.2 and they are similar to fences and can be used to create boundaries as players and mobs cannot jump or climb over them. They have a 1.5 block tall hitbox, making horses the only mobs that can jump over them.
Different varieties of walls (via screenshot)
Walls come in a number of varieties, some of which generate naturally as part of structures such as pillager outposts, villages, bastion remnants, etc. The following walls can are generated naturally in their respective structures:
Naturally generated walls can be picked up by breaking them with a pickaxe, if mined without a pickaxe nothing is dropped.
A desert village house with a balcony made from sandstone walls (via screenshot)
Players can craft walls by themselves by either using a stone cutter or a crafting table. You will need six blocks of the desired material block and arrange them in a 2x3 manner in the crafting grid.
Crafting blackstone walls with six blackstone blocks (via screenshot)
Walls are one and a half blocks tall which is too high for players and mob to jump over, making them a substitute for fences. Players can use walls to create boundaries and pens to keep hostile mobs outside or inside any desired areas. They are also more efficient at blocking mobs than two-block high walls since they cost half the amount of blocks to craft.
An animal pen made from red sandstone walls (via screenshot)
Walls are stone walls made from a variety of material blocks such as stone and sandstone. They can be crafted quite easily and even generate in some structures. They are mostly used for building animal pens or blocking hostile mobs.
A. You will need six blocks of your chosen material to craft a wall out of them.
A. Unlike fences, if two Nether Brick Walls are placed diagonally, players cannot walk between them.
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