Weeping vines are vegetation blocks that are found in the crimson forest biomes of the Nether. Players can climb these vines to get to higher elevations. They were added to Minecraft in v1.16.
A weeping vine growing from the bottom of a crimson nylium block (via screenshot)
Weeping vines are naturally generated in the crimson forest biome and they can be found on both the ground and on huge fungus structures. Players can make weeping vines on their own by using bone meal on crimson nylium. To pick up weeping vines, the player will need to simply break them and any tool will cause it to drop as an item.
Weeping vines found in crimson forest (via screenshot)
Weeping vines can be placed on the bottom of all blocks except for transparent blocks. They automatically begin to grow down from the block. Weeping vines can also be used similarly to a water bucket, to negate fall damage. Players can climb up weeping vines by standing inside them and holding the jump key. If there is a solid block behind the weeping vines it will stop growing.
A player climbing a weeping vine (via screenshot)
Weeping vines are climbable plant structures that can only be found in the crimson forest biomes in the Nether. They behave similarly to ladders as they allow players to climb up and down, helping them change elevation easily.
A. Weeping vines can be used to climb up and down structures and can even be used to negate fall damage.
A. Yes, players can grow weeping vines in the Overworld, just like normal vines.
A. Players can use a shear on the tip of a weeping vine to make it stop growing.
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