The wet sponge is a block that is very similar to the dry sponge block, the difference being that the wet sponge is saturated with water and drips water droplets from its bottom. Wet sponges are made when a regular sponge comes into contact with water.
A wet sponge block (via screenshot)
Wet sponges are naturally generated inside sponge rooms found in ocean monuments. Wet sponges can also be obtained by killing elder guardians. Another way of obtaining wet sponges is by placing a dry sponge in water. To pick up a wet sponge, players can use any tool or even their hands, but a hoe is the quickest in breaking them.
A sponge room in an ocean monument (via screenshot)
Wet sponges are regular sponges that are saturated with water. Wet sponges are only used to make dry sponges. To make a dry sponge, players can use multiple methods, the first being smelting the wet sponge in a furnace, and another way is by placing them in a desert biome. The third way is by placing them in the Nether.
Smelting a wet sponge to create a dry one (via screenshot)
Wet sponges are the byproduct of sponges. They are naturally generated in ocean monuments and also dropped by elder guardians. Wet sponges are used to create dry sponges by either smelting them in furnaces or by drying them off in either the Nether or in desert biomes.
A. Wet sponges can be dried by either smelting them in a furnace or by placing them in the Nether or in desert biomes.
A. Yes, an elder guardian will always drop a wet sponge upon death.
A. The hoe will break a wet sponge the quickest as compared to other tools.
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