The ominous banner, also known as the illager banner is a unique banner carried by illager captains. When an illager captain is killed, they will drop this banner. When picked up players, it will give them the ‘Bad Omen’ status effect.
An ominous banner (via screenshot)
You can find ominous banners inside loot chests in pillager outposts. You can also get them from raid captains, who spawn with one equipped to their body. Upon killing them, they will drop an ominous banner that can be picked up by players and also other illagers.
An illager captain with an ominous banner (via screenshot)
The ominous banner is a decorative item that can be placed facing any direction on walls. They have a gentle sway animation that kicks in when affected by a breeze. They have no collision masks, allowing players and mobs to move through them. Killing an illager captain and picking up the banner will give the players the Bad Omen status effect.
An ominous banner placed on a wall for decorative purposes (via screenshot)
The ominous banner is a variant of banners that can be placed on walls, making them a great item for decorating your base. This banner is the only type of banner that cannot be crafted by players, making illager outposts and raids their only source.
A. An ominous banner gives players the Bad Omen status effect.
A. Yes, having an ominous banner in your base will make it more likely for pillager patrols to spawn near you.
Players can simply drink some milk to remove the Bad Omen status effect.
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