The wither rose is a unique flower that has a negative effect on players, any mob or player that touches it they are given the wither effect which is similar to the poison effect. This is the same status effect that players get from the Wither and wither skeletons.
A wither rose (via screenshot)
Wither roses are exclusive to the creative game mode as you cannot find them naturally in the survival game modes. The wither rose is one of few items that players cannot obtain in survival game modes. The only way you can get a wither rose is either through the creative inventory or via commands.
Getting a wither rose through the survival inventory (via screenshot)
Wither roses have the ability to inflict the wither effect on players and mobs which makes them useful to make subtle traps. They can also be used to craft the black dye or as an ingredient for the suspicious stew, but this stew will give the player the wither effect upon its consumption.
Crafting a suspicious stew with a wither rose (via screenshot)
The wither rose is a flower that cannot be obtained by players in the survival game modes. It is only accessible through the creative inventory or by using commands. They can be used to craft black dye and a variant of the suspicious stew.
A. The wither rose can be planted on almost all blocks.
A. Wither roses can be farmed by trapping withers and using them to kill mobs and make them drop wither roses.
A. No, wither roses cannot be bonemealed.
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