Tsukino is a fictional character in the Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 3 game based on the popular manga and its anime adaptation, the Naruto series, which was written and illustrated by Masashi Kishimoto.
Disclaimer: This article will contain details revolving around Tsukino and might contain spoilers for some viewers. Readers are advised to proceed at their own discretion.
Tsukino is a character in the Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 3 game of the Naruto franchise. She made his debut in the Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 3 game itself. She is head of Tsukigakure (the Village Hidden under the Moon), As she has no presence in the Naruto manga and anime. She is also named Masked Kunoichi.
Name | Tsukino |
First Appearance | Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 3 |
Japanese Voice Actor | Ayumi Tsunematsu |
English Voice Actor | Kim Mai Guest |
Sex | Female |
Status | Alive |
Affiliation | Tsukigakure (Village Hidden under the Moon) |
Naruto spent time training with a ninja named Jiraiya and during this training, Naruto became close to Tsukino. Tsukino's dad was the leader of a village called Tsukigakure, and she was supposed to become the leader after him. But she felt trapped by this destiny. Naruto talked to her and said it's okay to change traditions if they're not working.
He encouraged her to follow her heart, live freely, and stay strong. They made a promise to each other. When Naruto and Jiraiya were leaving, Tsukino gave Naruto a special perfume made from moon flowers. After her dad passed away, she became the village leader.
But things turned dark when Shinga took over the village and Tsukino with his group. She used powerful sealing jutsu to trap Team Kakashi and fought against them. Naruto, Sakura, and Kakashi eventually confronted her. During the battle, Naruto recognized her when her mask was broken. But she couldn't respond because of a special power called the Jibakugan.
Things got even more intense when Shinga commanded Tsukino to attack Naruto. She sealed Naruto's chakra along with Neji and Tenten. Luckily, Naruto used a perfume she had given him, and its scent freed her from the Jibakugan's control.
Tsukino then helped Naruto and his team and guided them to Tsukigakure. She played a crucial role in sealing Shinga's power, which allowed Naruto and Sasuke to defeat him.
After Shinga's defeat, Tsukino became the leader of Tsukigakure without any regrets. She was inspired by Naruto's strong bonds and believed he was a true hero.
In the end, Tsukino's character development and her bond with Naruto made her an essential part of the Naruto anime story.
Tsukino is kind and brave. She helped Naruto when he was in Shinga's control by reminding him about himself and his mission.
Tsukino wears a light-colored kimono dress and an orange sash around her waist. She wears a black arm guard and has a yellow jewel on her forehead. She has yellow crescent moons on her black chest guard and has long white hair tied in a ponytail.
Tsukino is skilled in fuinjutsu, a type of ninja art that deals with sealing techniques. She can do several things with it:
Sealing Chakra: She can seal her opponent's chakra, making it difficult for them to use ninja techniques.
Dispelling Seals: Tsukino can remove seals placed on objects or people, essentially unlocking them.
Setting Traps: She's also capable of creating traps using sealing techniques, which can be used for various purposes.
Tsukino has some proficiency in genjutsu, a form of ninja illusion technique. She used the "Temple of Nirvana Technique," which can be used to create illusions or control the perceptions of others.
She has the skill to make medicine and perfume from moon flowers. This shows her proficiency in using natural ingredients for practical purposes. She is also skilled in fighting with swords.
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