The last episode of the original Naruto anime was episode 220, titled Departure.The episode aired on February 08, 2007 in Japanese, and its English dub was aired on December 06, 2009. This episode concluded the journey of the original Naruto series. The episode starts by concluding Gaara’s battle against Seimei and ends with the start of Naruto’s two-and-a-half-year-long journey with Master Jiraiya. The series later returned with Naruto Shippuden in 2017.
Episode Number | 220 |
Episode Name | Departure |
Series | Naruto |
In his battle against Seimei, Naruto displays his resilience and stubbornness. Meanwhile, Gaara, who struggles at first to control Shukaku residing within him, then manages to keep it in check. Gaara prevents Shukaku from fully emerging and Seimei then mocks Gaara, calling him ‘The Freak of the Sand Village’.Gaara then goes on the offense against Seimei.
Gaara uses his Sand Tsunami technique to bury Seimei but he manages to escape using his Kujaku Hurricane Formation, with relative ease. He then attacks Seimei with his deadly technique, Extreme Tempered Ultimate Attack: Shukaku’s Pike. Seimei falls to the ground after a direct hit from Gaara’s Attack. To finish him off, Gaara uses his unique Sand Burial Jutsu. After that, everyone returns to the HiddenLeafVillage.
In the village, after Ino saw Sakura's progress in Medical Ninjutsu and how useful it was during their mission, she decides to request Lady Tsunade to accept her under her wing as well. The other reason she wanted to become Lady Tsunade’s pupil was to get out of training in Yamanaka Clan’sMind Transfer Ninjutsu practice.
Tenten is furious about being left out of the mission. Jiraiya arrives with intel regarding Akatsuki’s plans. He decides to take Naruto with him and continue with his training on the road. After hearing the news, the others start discussing their future, and they decide that they would not let Naruto show them up. They would train harder than ever, and keep up with him. When Naruto and Jiraiya leave for their 2 and a half year journey, Hinata watches Naruto head out.
Gaara succeeds in suppressing Shukaku and manages to prevent him from fully emerging. He uses his ultimate technique, Extreme Tempered Ultimate Attack: Shukaku’s Pike, and follows it up with his unique Sand Burial Jutsu to end the battle and emerges victorious.
Jiraiya returns to Konoha after gathering intel regarding the actions of the Akatsuki. He then decides to take Naruto out on a journey with him. Jiraiya leaves the village with Naruto for two and a half years in order to train Naruto and keep him safe.
A. The last episode of the original Naruto series’s season 5 is titled ‘Departure’. In this episode, Gaara defeats his opponent, Seimei. At the end of the episode, Naruto and Jiraiya set out on a two-and-a-half-year-long journey to train Naruto and keep him safe from Akatsuki.
A. The last episode of the popular series Naruto was aired on February 08, 2007, in Japanese, and its English dub was aired on December 06, 2009.
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