Kawaki is a fictional character in the popular ongoing anime series, Boruto: Naruto Next Generations. Kawaki is a former member of the criminal organization, Kara. Kawaki was raised by Jigen, the leader of Kara, trained to become the vessel of Isshiki Otsutsuki in the future. Kawaki is later brought to the Village Hidden by the Leaves. In the Hidden Leaf Village, he lives with the Uzumaki Family under the care of the Seventh Hokage of the Hidden Leaf Village, Naruto Uzumaki.
Name | Kawaki |
First Appearance in Anime | Boruto: Naruto Next Generations Episode 1: Boruto Uzumaki |
Japanese Voice Actor | Yuma Uchida |
Shinya Hamazoe (Boruto Episode 1) | |
English | Michael Schwalbe |
Chris Niosi (Boruto Episode 1) | |
Sex | Male |
Status | Alive |
Team | Team 7 |
Affiliation | Kara (Former Member) |
Village Hidden by the Leaves |
Kawaki is the biological son of Kokatsu. Kokatsu is a former shinobi who apparently made considerable contributions in the Fourth Great Ninja War. It is believed that he used to be a kind man but turned bitter after facing the horrors of the war. He started taking solace in alcohol and abused Kawaki on a daily basis.
One day when Kawaki mistakenly broke Kokatsu’s bottle full of alcohol, Kokatsu locked him up. At this moment, Jigen came to his house and offered to buy Kawaki from Kokatsu. Without a second thought, he sold his son to Jigen.
From this point onward, Kawaki started living with Jigen. Jigen was collecting children from different places hoping to find someone who was compatible with the Karma Seal and capable of becoming the vessel of Isshiki Otsutsuki. As it turns out, Kawaki was compatible and inherited the Karma Seal.
Jigen started training Kawaki under his care and referred to himself as his father. The methods he used to train Kawaki were cruel and inhumane. He was training Kawaki to adopt the Karma Seal which would enhance his abilities. Jigen stated that the only value Kawaki held was as the vessel of Isshiki Otsutsuki and that he would strike Kawaki if he disagreed with his insight. Although Jigen had promised him a happy life when he bought him from his biological father, Kawaki later describes his life with Kara as a living hell.
After he was brought to the Hidden Leaf Village, Naruto took responsibility for Kawaki and started taking care of him. Naruto invited him into his family and treated him as his own son. As Kawaki had never experienced such kindness, he was skeptical at first. As he spent time with the Uzumaki Family, he started to feel at home and accepted them as his family.
Kawaki looks up to Naruto and adores him. In Kawaki’s eyes, Naruto is the father he never had. He is willing to go to any extent and even sacrifice himself if it means he could protect Naruto and his family. When Naruto was sealed by Jigen, Kawaki volunteered to bring Naruto back. In their final battle against Isshiki Otsutsuki, Isshiki threatened to kill Naruto if Kawaki did not reveal himself. Even after Naruto’s warnings, Kawaki revealed his location and faced Isshiki in order to save Naruto from certain death.
Kawaki is a formidable fighter. He was raised under Kara’s care and Jigen taught him many combat skills including the use of weapons. He was capable of destroying robotic puppets without any noticeable difficulty and even defeated Garou, an inner member of Kara with very low difficulty. Although he is not a shinobi, it is believed that he will be in a league of his own if he masters Ninjutsu and other shinobi tactics.
Kawaki wields the Karma Seal of Isshiki Otsustuki. Karma Seal is compressed data that spreads into the wielder’s body, turning it into an Otsutsuki, which can be used as a vessel for the resurrection of the Karma owner, which in Kawaki’s case was Isshiki.
After Kawaki regains his Karma, he is privy to the strength and abilities of Isshiki. He can absorb ninjutsu and can use Space-Time Ninjutsu when in sync with Boruto’s Karma Seal. It is believed that he will be able to use Space-Time Ninjutsu when he masters his Karma later in the series.
In the manga, Kawaki is further ahead in his transformation process into an Otsustuki and has acquired Isshiki’sDojutsu and its unique abilities. He can use Sukunahikona to shrink himself and other non-living objects at will and can store objects in a pocket dimension with his Daikokuten.
Kawaki’s body has received Shinobi-Ware enhancements from Amado. It is a microscopic technology implanted in Kawaki’s body at a cellular level, making him a living Scientific Ninja Tool. Kawaki possesses superhuman capabilities and is able to alter the shape and size of his arm as he pleases.
In his time with the Uzumaki family, Naruto started training Kawaki in the shinobi arts and taught him Ninjutsu. In a short period, Kawaki was able to learn Fire Style and ShadowClone Jutsu.
A. The role that Kawaki will play in the series as it progresses is still a mystery. In the first episode of Boruto, Kawaki appeared to be fighting against Boruto in the destroyed Hidden Leaf Village and stated that he will send him where he sent Lord Seventh. It seemed that he attacked the Hidden Leaf and killed the Hokage, but later in the series he states that a world without Lord Seventh had no worth to him and he’d rather be dead.
A. Kokatsu is Kawaki’s biological father. He was a renowned shinobi who served in the Fourth Great Ninja War but turned bitter after facing the horrors of the war. He abused Kawaki and sold him to Jigen without a second thought.
A. Jigen is one of the main antagonists in Boruto: Naruto Next Generations. Jigen was introduced in the series as the leader of the criminal organization, Kara. Later it was revealed that he was in fact a monk from the Ancient Era who was being controlled by Isshiki Otsutsuki.
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