Fishman Island is the home to the fishmen and merfolk. It is an underwater getaway to the New World for the people who do not want to legally cross over the Red Line. This was the last island that the Straw Hats visited before stepping into the New World.
Name | Fishman Island |
Anime Debut | Episode 526 |
Manga Debut | Chapter 607 |
Region | Grand Line |
Affiliates | Ryugu Kingdom, Straw Hats Pirates, Big Mom Pirates, Whitebeard Pirates |
Fishman Island is an underwater island that is 10,000 meters below sea level in a giant hole that goes under the Red Line at the bottom of the trench. This island is inside a giant double-layered bubble that floats above the seafloor and is filled with half water and reef and half air. The place rests in a smaller bubble on top of the main island’s bubble. It is lit up by the Sunlight Tree Eve.
Fishman Island is entirely ruled by the Ryugu Kingdom. The places that fall under Fishman Island are Ryugu Palace, Mermaid Cove, Coral Hill, Candy Factory, Gyoverly Hills, Gyoncorde Plaza, Sea Forest, Fishman District, Fishman Karate Dojo, Mermaid Beach, Waterwheel Town, Air Tank, Fishman Meeting Hall, and the Marine Shopping Mall.
Fishman Island came into existence when the fishmen used to gather at the only place in the ocean floor where the sunlight reached them. This place eventually got the name Fishman Island. The sunlight that Fishman Island receives comes from the roots of the Sunlight Tree Eve, which absorbs the sunlight onto the surface and sends it down to Fishman Island.
During the Void Century, JoyBoy made a promise with the island to use the power of the Mermaid Princess, the ability to summon and control Sea Kings to finish Noah's Ark. As Joyboy failed to keep his promise, he left his apology written on a Poneglyph in the Sea Forest and said that someone in the future will complete the promise. Until that day, Noah was guarded by Fishman Island. The Mermaid Princess Legacy also got passed on with her pores not being awakened as it could cause worldwide destruction.
As Fishman Island was the only way for ships to enter the New World, they were often visited by pirates that were passing by and Marines that were chasing them. Due to this, many fishmen and merfolk were kidnapped and sold off. When Whitebeard became really good friends with King Neptune, he declared that the island was his territory and that if anything would happen to Fishman Island or its people, they would have to face Whitebeard. Thus, Fishman Island stayed protected and there was peace.
Queen Otohime did her best to get support for her cause, for migrating the fishmen to the surface. She made many speeches and petitions in order to achieve her goal. Despite her efforts, she gained very little support as the relationship between humans and fishmen was very strained and it also worsened when Fisher Tiger liberated slaves from Mary Geoise who were then killed by the Marines. Later on, when the World Noble Mjosgard came to the island to get the fishmen that Tiger had freed, his ship was attacked by Sea Kings who killed his whole crew and left him to be the only survivor. When the former slaves tried to kill him, Otohime saved him and brought him back to the surface. She asked for support from the Nobles to help with Fishman Island migration and this led to her getting lots of support from the islanders once again.
All of Otohime’s efforts went to waste when all the petitions were burned and she was assassinated, which caused an uproar on Fishman Island and Hody framed a human he hired to change the fishmen’s perception about humans. During this time, the current Mermaid Princess, Shirahoshi, also became the target of Vander Decken IX who sent her threatening marriage proposals and was forcing her to marry him. As Decken could attack her at any time, Shirahoshi was locked in the Hard-Shell tower for her safety.
After Whitebeard died in the Marineford War, Fishman Island lost its protection but just a short while later, Big Mom claimed Fishman Island. Unlike Whitebeard, she provided protection to Fishman Island in exchange for a large tribute of candy every month. This restored the peace on Fishman Island. After bidding farewell to Luffy, Jinbe tried to return back to Fishman Island but he couldn't, as Fishman Island wasn't protected by Whitebeard and Jinbe had resigned from his position as the Warlord of the Sea. So he was forced to leave the island for his own protection.
When the Straw Hats arrived on Fishman Island, they weren't allowed to enter the bubble as they were unsure whether they could trust Luffy or not. They would only let them pass if Luffy agreed to become their underling. To get past them, the crew used the last bit of air that was left in the Thousand Sunny for a Coup De Burst to shoot them through the bubble surrounding the island.
After the Straw Hats passed through the bubble, their ship fell into a current and the crew was scattered. Luffy, Usopp, Chopper, and Sanji reunited with Camie at her house. Nami, Franky, and Robin decided to split up and do their own different things. Zoro was found by King Neptune’s Army and was brought to the palace. King Neptune wanted to invite all the Straw Hats for a feast as he wanted to thank them for saving Shirahoshi’s pet shark from the Kraken.
After Camie and the others got reacquainted, they all went to Mermaid Cove. When all three princes of the palace came to search for the pirates, the Straw Hats crew hid but Sanji couldn't control his excitement seeing the beautiful mermaids, thus forcing the crew to reveal themselves. Hammond tried to capture them but Luffy was able to repel him and his companions. Camie then stole the prince’s royal gondola and took the four pirates to the town port. It was, later on, revealed that Prince Fukaboshi was going to give a message from Jinbe to Luffy.
In the town, Camie and the pirates stopped and took shelter at a Mermaid cafe and the owner provided a room for them to rest. After talking to the owner of the cafe, Camie took Luffy and Usopp to the front entrance of the Mermaid cafe where they met Brook and Pappag. Pappag then invited them to his mansion in Groverly hills. In the Mermaid Cafe, Madam Shyarly screamed saying that she foresaw the destruction on Fishman Island at the hands of a man in a straw hat. Once they all reached Pappag’s mansion, they reunited with Nami. King Neptune arrived and invited Luffy and his crew to his palace. As the princes had heard Madam Shyarla’s predictions and weren't aware that Caribou was on the island, the people of Fishman Island thought that the Straw Hats were responsible for all the mermaid kidnappings.
On the outskirts of Fishman Island, Decken was getting frustrated that he hadn’t received a reply from Shirahoshi for almost ten years. He then said that either Shirahoshi marries him or she dies. He sent his crew to the Fishman District to form an alliance with the New Fishman Pirates. Once the Straw Hats crew arrives at the palace, Luffy wanders off trying to find food, and accidentally stumbles into Shirahoshi’s room. Shirahoshi was crying continuously until Luffy saved her from an ax that was thrown at her by Decken. Once she calmed down, Luffy offered to take her outside and be her bodyguard.
Meanwhile, King Neptune got a message from Prince Fukaboshi about Madam Shyarly’s prediction that the Straw Hats were suspected of the mermaid kidnappings. King Neptunes ordered his guards to capture the Straw Hats but the crew defeated them and tied them up, which looked like they were taking over the castle. When the three princes returned back to the palace, their connection was closed off and they were unable to enter the palace.
Fukaboshi tried to negotiate with Zoro and told him Jinbe’s message. On the other side, Decken began his plan to invade the Ryugu Kingdom. By the time they arrived there, Luffy, Megalo, and Shirahoshi had already left the tower. Zoro defeated the Human Pirates but one of them managed to get away and open the main gate which connected the corridor to the palace. Decken threw a fit when he got to know that Shirahosi wasn't in the palace. Zoro ordered for everyone to be released saying that the deal was nonexistent as the hostages were harmed. Zoro then told King Neptune to get Brook and Usopp to safety and Nami went with Camie so that she could talk to Jinbe. Neptune created an escape route and everyone swam out of the palace but their escape was stopped by the New Fishman Pirates and they were captured.
While on the way to the Sea Forest, Luffy saw Sanji and Chopper in trouble with the locals and jumped down to meet them. Decken then saw Shirahoshi and proposed to her but she rejected him. This angered Decken and he prepared to murder Shirahoshi but Luffy intervened and pummeled him to the ground. Luffy and his remaining crew left with Shirahoshi to go to the Sea Forest. At the Sea Forest, Jinbe was waiting for Luffy next to Queen Otohime’s grave. Even Franky and the Thousand Sunny were nearby. Frank met Den (Tom’s younger brother) who agreed to coat the ship. Robin also arrived there searching for a Poneglyph. Luffy and Jinbe got reacquainted and he revealed that he was responsible for setting Arlong loose in the East Blue.
When Jinbe was finishing up his story, a broadcast came up stating that Hody would execute King Neptune and become the new ruler of the Ryugu Kingdom. He also said that he would kill anyone who signed Queen Otohime’s petition. He ended his threats by stating that he will kill the Straw Hats as they were responsible for crushing Arlong years ago. At the plaza, the princes tried to stop the execution but they also got captured. Hody then revealed that he was the one who assassinated Queen Otohime ten years ago.
Shirahoshi then revealed that she knew that Hody had killed her mother. With the announcement that Hody had made, the people of Fishman Island decided that they would rather have the Straw Hats destroy their home than have Hody as their new King. The Straw Hats went to the plaza and Luffy attacked Hody. Nami took the keys and went to free her crew and the Royal Family. Franky then arrived with the Thousand Sunny to attack the New Fishman Pirates. The entire crew and Jinbe were now ready to fight against the New Fishman Pirates.
They overpowered Hody’s forces. When Hody tried to fight against Luffy, he was easily defeated by him. The citizens of Fishman Island looked up in awe and saw the ‘Ship of Promise’ Noah coming down into the bubble of Fishman Island and it was aimed at Shirahoshi. Everyone was shocked when they saw Decken was on board the ship and he declared the end of everything as the ship was colliding with the island’s bubble. Shirahoshi left the plaza and guided the ship away and offered her life to Decken to protect Fishman Island. Luffy and Sanji went behind them to stop Decken.
After a really long and gruesome fight, the Straw Hats defeated the officers of the New Fishman Pirates, and Hody and Decken were arrested. Shirahoshi then summoned the Sea Kings who helped Noah from falling down. Luffy got a blood transfusion from Jinbe, thus abolishing the law that forbade fishmen to donate blood to one another. At the Palace, Caribou released the mermaid that he had kidnapped but stole all the treasure instead. King Neptune declared the Straw Hats innocent.
Later on, Fishman Island found itself in crisis as they were not able to pay Big Mom her monthly tributes of 10 tons of candy. After Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji took the stolen treasures from Caribou, they met Pekoms and Tamago at the Candy factory. While speaking to Big Mom, Luffy declared that he would come and defeat her in order to make Fishman Island his territory. The Straw Hats left Fishman Island and the citizens bid them farewell. After the Straw Hats left, Caribou again went on his mermaid kidnapping spree, however, he was later on caught by Jinbe who left the island with him.
The people living on Fishman Island are:
King Neptune is a coelacanth merman. He is the king of the Ryugu Kingdom on Fishman Island. He is also the current patriarch of the Neptune family. He is the father of Fukaboshi, Ryuboshi, Manboshi, and Shirahoshi. He is also Queen Otohime’s husband.
Queen Otohime was a goldfish mermaid and queen of the Ryugu Kingdom. Otohime was a political activist who worked hard for the union and peace between Fishmen and humans. She was assassinated by Hody Jones who framed a human pirate as the person who killed her.
Fisher Tiger was known as the Adventurer. He was the founder of the Sun Pirates and a well-known explorer. After a while, Tiger became a slave for the World Noble.
Shirahoshi is the famous Mermaid Princess. She is a giant smelt-whiting mermaid. She had been locked up in the Palace to ensure her safety as she had received threats from Vander Decken IX. She wants to know more about the outside world and wants to follow the will of her later mother. She is also the current incarnation of the Ancient Weapon Poseidon.
Jinbei is known as the 'Knight of the Sea'. Jinbei is like a whale shark and is a master of Fish-Man Karate. He was also one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. Before joining the crew, Jinbei was already friends with Luffy and they had formed an alliance with each other to prevent the New Fish-Man coup d'etat from happening.
Monkey D. Luffy is the captain of the Straw Hats who dreams of becoming the ‘King of the Pirates’ and finding the One Piece. Luffy accidentally ate the Gomu Gomu devil fruit when he was 7 and it turned his body into rubber. He is the son of the Revolutionary Army Leader, Monkey D. Dragon, and the grandson of the Marine Admiral Monkey D. Garp.
Roronoa Zoro was famously known as 'Pirate Hunter Zoro' before becoming a part of the Straw Hats crew as a bounty hunter. Zoro was born in the East Blue and trained in a dojo where he learned all about using swords. Currently, Zoro is a master of the Three Sword Style, a technique that was made in his village. He dreams of becoming one of the strongest swordsmen in the world.
Nami is the navigator of the ship. She is the adopted child of Bell-mere. She, later on, saw how the Straw Hats fought for her against Arlong and decided that she should join the crew for good. She dreams of making a map of the entire world. She is known for her cat burglary techniques and can pull them off with ease.
Usopp is the sniper of the crew. He was born in the Syrup village and was the captain of his own crew, the 'Usopp Pirates'. He is one of Kaya's closest friends. Usopp is known for his cowardice and is also known to lie a lot too. Despite this, he is quite the sharpshooter and he dreams to become a great warrior just like his father Yasopp.
Sanji is the cook of the crew. His full name is Vinsmoke Sanji. Even though he was born in the royal Vinsmoke family, Sanji disowned them and ran away. Sanji is known as the ladies man and never misses an opportunity to flirt with any beautiful girl that he sees, which can be seen quite evidently in the series. He dreams of finding the All Blue, which is every chef's paradise.
Tony Chopper is the doctor of the crew. He is also known as a 'Cotton Candy Lover Chopper'. Chopper is the reindeer of the series who ate the Hito Hito Devil fruit which grants him the power to transform into a human at will. He worked with Dr. Kureha and learned everything related to medicine. His dream is to become a doctor that can cure any disease.
Nico Robin is the archeologist of the crew. She is known as the 'Devil Child' due to the fact that her mother researched the Blank Era. Nico Robin is the member who Luffy didn't invite. She just joined them as her dream is to find the Rio Poneglyph and know the real history of the world, especially the Blank Era.
Franky is the mechanic of the crew. He built the Thousand Sunny for the Straw Hats after the Going Merry was destroyed. His real name is Cutty Flam but he likes to go by Franky. He was abandoned by his own family, so he became a member of Tom's workers. He takes pride in whatever he makes and does quality work.
Brook is the musician of the crew. He is known as the "Soul King'. He was originally a member of the Rumbar Pirates but he got resurrected because he had eaten the Yomi Yomi Devil fruit which granted him the power to return to life after death, only once. He dreams of reuniting with Laboon at Reverse Mountain.
Fishman Island was inspired by Greece and Spain.
It is also said that Fishman Island is based on the legendary city of Atlantis, the underwater city. Atlantis was above sea level and it got submerged due to conflict between its people and the Greek Gods.
A. People tend to not use the Mary Geoise route to enter the New World as they would have to leave their ships behind and proceed.
A. Ships can get to Fishman Island if they are coated in a special resin that is found in Sabaody Archipelago. All the ships entering Fishman Island have to undergo a customs inspection.
A. It is really difficult to reach Fishman Island, with only 30% of the ships surviving the journey.
A. As Fishman Island is inside a huge bubble, it allows human visitors to breathe.
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