David Kvavadze, better known online as Sonic David (previously David Kva), is an American YouTuber noted for his imaginative stop-motion films. His work focuses mostly on the 2.5" Jakks Pacific and 4" Sonic the Hedgehog action figures, which captivate a large audience. Sonic David's YouTube channel has 5.41 million subscribers, demonstrating his popularity and the attractiveness of his unusual video productions.
Name: | David Kvavadze |
Profile Name: | Sonic David |
DOB (Age): | September 23 |
DOJ (YouTube): | February 12, 2015 |
Total Videos: | 780+ |
Schedule/Status: | Active |
Net Worth: | N/A |
Nationality: | American |
Residence: | United States of America |
Sonic David's YouTube account was created on July 19, 2020. Kvavadze's stop-motion movies feature characters from the Sonic the Hedgehog series, including Sonic, Tails (Classic Tails), Knuckles, Shadow, and Amy, as well as other video game characters outside of the genre. Before his current material, he posted videos of himself doing backflips in his garden and evaluating different Sonic the Hedgehog action figures. He shared his debut stop-motion video on January 24, 2021. He voices practically all of his characters in his videos, except Mario and Amy Rose.
Sonic David 2 is his second channel where he reacts to movies, performs backflips, and shows behind-the-scenes footage of his stop-motion flicks. He had another channel under his mother's name and uploaded a video of himself playing with his plush toys, which included a Jazwares Classic Sonic the Hedgehog plush, a red Angry Bird plush, a Nanco Fruit Ninja Orange plush, and an unnamed action figure.
David Kvavadze is Sonic David's real name. David was born on September 23, in America, but his family background is still unknown.
Sonic David boasts a following of over 5.14 million subscribers on his YouTube channel. His YouTube channel's main content includes stop-motion videos.
This channel has curated the series, Sonic Shorts, which features all of its Sonic short video series in 467 episodes.
This is a short Sonic skit video. The video has amassed over 5.6 million views with 25k likes.
This is another small skit video. The video has garnered over 5.3 million views and 41k likes.
This is a Sonic X Dragon Ball Z skit video with over 3.4 million views and 45k likes.
Sonic David completed its first 1 million subscribers on July 21, 2022.
Sonic David achieved its 1 billion views in December 2022.
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