Eggs are a throwable item that can be obtained from chickens and villagers. They can be used to make food items, spawn chicks, or be used as a throwable entity. They are laid by chickens every 5-10 minutes.
Players can easily get eggs from chickens as they lay an egg every 5 to 10 minutes. This means that creating a chicken farms is the most optimal way to get eggs quite easily and reliably. Players can also find eggs in loot chests inside fletcher’s chests villages. Sometimes there is a chance of a fox spawning with an egg in its hands which is dropped upon death.
Eggs are most commonly used for making food items such as pumpkin pies and cakes or for spawning chickens. Players can throw eggs at mobs to deal knockback to mobs but no damage is dealt. When an egg is thrown by either a player themselves or a dispenser it has a ⅛ chance of spawning a chick.
Eggs are items that are used to make food items such as cakes and pumpkin pies and chicks. They are quite easy to obtain as chickens lay eggs quite often and making an egg farm is also quite easy and straightforward.
A. Eggs can be used for crafting food items and as a throwable projectile.
A. Yes, villagers will buy eggs in exchange for emeralds.
A. An egg has a ⅛ chance of spawning a new chick when thrown.
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