The End is an alternate dimension that is inhabited by the Endermen, Enderdragon, and Shulkers. It is a dark dimension that is comprised of multiple islands that exist in the void. Players can visit this dimension by using an End portal that is found in Strongholds.
To gain access to the End dimension, players will need to first find an End Portal. Since the Minecraft world is enormous, these portals are hard to find and are almost impossible to stumble upon by chance. The most reliable way to find an End Portal is through naturally generated underground strongholds. These structures are generated deep underground and are filled with hostile mobs. To find an End Portal players can use the Eye of Ender item, when used they will fly in the direction of the nearest End Portal for about 10 blocks before falling to the ground.
Once a stronghold is located players must find the End Portal that is generated naturally within the stronghold. The player must repair it by placing Eyes of Ender into the portal blocks. Once all 12 eyes have been placed the portal activates and upon contact with the activated portal, the player will be teleported to the End.
The End dimension consists of a large island surrounded by numerous smaller islands, most of which are made from end stone blocks. There is a gap between the central and outer islands of about 1000 blocks with nothing but the void. The starless sky and the void of the End are both composed of a blank, static pattern. The daylight cycle is absent in the End, similar to the Nether, being replaced by constant dim light. It will never rain in the End as endermen will take damage from water.
The End Consists of 5 different biomes; Central Island, Small End Islands, End Midlands, End highlands, and End barrens. There are 9 structures that generate naturally in the End dimension, they are as follows-
The center island is a large asteroid-like island that is made almost entirely from end stone blocks. At a distance of 1000 blocks away, an expanse of more islands begins, away from the main island. These consist of large islands, about the size of the main island, and smaller ones, which tend to be thin.
The outer end islands are found 1000 blocks away from the central island. They vary in size from large islands to smaller "mini islands." Generated structures such as end cities and end ships spawn here, along with chorus trees. The player can be taken to the end islands through the End gateway.
End spikes, also known as obsidian pillars, obsidian spikes, or obsidian towers, are generated structures at the End that are made of obsidian, with a single bedrock block and an end crystal on top of each pillar. Larger ones have cylindrical forms. The pillars surround the exit portal in a roughly 40-block radius circle and penetrate through the main island down to y level 0.
The obsidian platform is a 5 by 5 square of obsidian that is generated once a player or entity enters the End. If the obsidian is destroyed, or if a block is placed on top of the three air blocks above any part of the platform when the player enters the End, the obsidian is restored and any blocks on top of those three air blocks above the platform will be replaced with air.
The exit portal (also known as the end fountain) is a structure that enables the players to return to their spawn points in the Overworld or the Nether, activate upon the defeat of the ender dragon.
End gateway portals are generated in the End after defeating the ender dragon and are used to gain quick access to the outer end islands and teleport the player back to the center island.
End cities are skyscraper-like structures found on the outer islands of the End. They are inhabited by shulkers and hold exclusive loot.
End ships are floating structures that are sometimes generated alongside end cities. They are the only places where elytra and the dragon head can be legitimately obtained.
Chorus trees are tall, coral-like blocks ubiquitous in the outer islands. They are composed of chorus plants and chorus fruit. Similar to bamboo and sugar cane, breaking one part causes all plants above the tree to break.
The End is home to three naturally spawning mobs: Endermen, Ender Dragon, and shulkers. Endermen spawn naturally throughout the whole dimension. The Ender Dragon will spawn only on the central island and it spawns naturally when the player first enters the End.
The End is a dimension that players can visit by going through an End Portal that can be found in naturally generated strongholds deep underground. Players can find the Ender Dragon in this dimension along with endermen and shulkers. The end is also the only place where players can find the elytra.
A. The outer islands of the end will generate infinitely.
A. To access the End players must go through an activated End Portal.
A. End cities generate infinitely. There is no distance from where they stop generating.
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