Shovels are used to excavate blocks that aren’t made up of stone such as dirt, sand, gravel, and clay. Like most tools in Minecraft, Shovels can be made from the following materials: Wood, Stone, Gold, Iron, Diamond, Netherite. To craft a shovel in Minecraft, open the crafting table. Then place two sticks in the second and third box of the second column. Finally, place one block of material atop these sticks. To use a shovel, simply left-click a block with a shovel equipped. Doing so will break the block that you are looking at.
There are so many different tools in Minecraft. There are swords and bows that you can use for offensive fighting. There are shields that you can use for defensive fighting. There are also tools that you can use to gather resources like hoes, pickaxes, axes, and finally shovels.
There are so many different types of shovels and they all have different statistics to each one. In this tutorial, you are going to learn how to craft and use each shovel in Minecraft.
There are so many different types of shovels in Minecraft. The following is a list of the different shovels:
Every single shovel takes two sticks to make. To get sticks, you need some wooden plays. It is really easy to get wooden planks. To get wooden planks, all you need to do is punch a tree and get oak wood. You can then turn one piece of oak wood into four wooden planks in your crafting table.
Now that you have gotten your wooden planks, you can place them in the crafting table. Make sure to stack them on top of each other like in the pattern below. This will enable you to craft sticks.
Now that you know how to get sticks, you can use two sticks and one wooden plank to craft a wooden shovel. You can follow the crafting recipe below to craft a wooden shovel.
Now that you have your wooden shovel, you can move on to crafting a stone shovel. To craft a stone shovel, you are going to need a wooden pickaxe. To craft a wooden pickaxe, you need two sticks and three wooden planks. Now you can go to your crafting table and craft a wooden pickaxe.
The reason you need a wooden pickaxe is to get stone. You only need one piece of cobblestone and to get that, you have to mine one piece of stone in a cave. Caves are lined with stone so it shouldn’t be difficult at all to get stone. The stone in a cave will be any of the gray blocks that you see below.
Now that you have gotten that one piece of stone, and of course your two sticks, you can go back to your crafting table. In your crafting table, you can follow the recipe below to craft a stone shovel.
The next shovel on the list is the iron shovel. To get an iron shovel, you need to craft a stone pickaxe. To get a stone pickaxe you only need three pieces of cobblestone. Once you have obtained three cobblestones, and of course two sticks, you can head back to your crafting table. Each pickaxe has the same recipe but you just have to switch the crafting material. In this case, instead of wooden planks, you are using cobblestone blocks. You can use the recipe below to craft a stone pickaxe.
Now that you have crafted your stone pickaxe, you can go into your cave and find iron ore. You only need one block of iron ore to get an iron shovel. Once you have acquired an iron ore block, you need to take it to a furnace. Smelting one iron ore in a furnace will create one iron ingot. Now that you have your iron ingot, you can take that with your two sticks to make your iron shovel.
The next two shovels, the golden and diamond shovels, require an iron pickaxe to craft it. The reason for this is that you have to get gold and diamond ore. Let’s start with the golden pickaxe. To craft a golden pickaxe, you need one gold ingot. To get a gold ingot, you have to smelt a block of golden ore. You can find this block of gold ore in your cave. Now that you have your gold ingot and your two sticks, you need to go to your crafting table. You can follow the recipe below to craft your golden shovel.
Now that you have learned how to craft your golden shovel, the diamond shovel is the next on the list. To get a diamond, you need to find one diamond ore. Diamond ore can only be mined with an iron pickaxe, which is why you need an iron pickaxe for this one. Once you have found your diamond and you have your two sticks, you can go to your crafting table again. Replace any of the materials with the diamond to get your shovel, as every shovel has the same exact recipe. You can follow the recipe below to craft a diamond shovel.
Now that you have your diamond shovel, the final shovel you can craft is a netherite shovel. To do this, you need to get a diamond shovel and place it in a smithing table with one netherite ingot.
To get a netherite ingot, you need to go to the Nether. To get to the Nether, all you need to do is construct a diamond pickaxe. To get a diamond pickaxe, you need to find three diamond ore blocks. These can only be mined with an iron pickaxe or above, so take that iron pickaxe you made earlier to mind the diamond ore blocks. Without enchantments, each diamond ore will drop one diamond. Then, you can follow the recipe below to craft your diamond pickaxe.
Now that you have crafted your pickaxe, you need to find a lava pool. Bring a water bucket with you and once you have found that lava pool, pour the water on top of it. When water comes into contact with a lava source, it will turn the lava into obsidian.
Now that you have your obsidian, mine it with your diamond pickaxe. They take a while to mine with a diamond pickaxe, but you only need ten of them. With these ten pieces of obsidian, you can build a Nether portal.
In the Nether, you need to find four pieces of ancient debris. Ancient debris will look like the picture below.
Once you have found the ancient debris, you need to smelt it. This will create netherite scrap, but you need four of these. Once you have obtained four pieces of netherite scrap, you need to get four gold ingots and place them in your crafting table and follow the recipe below.
Now that you have your one netherite ingot, you need to create a smithing table. To craft a smithing table, all you need to do is get four wooden planks and two iron ingots. Once you have obtained those six items, you are going to want to create the smithing table in your crafting table while following the recipe below.
Now that you have created your smithing table, the UI of it is very easy to follow. Right-click your smithing table and you will find two boxes.
The box on the right has the outline of an ingot. This is where you are going to put your netherite ingot. The box on the left is empty and this is where you will place your tool or in this case your diamond shovel. Once you have done that, you will have the option to construct your netherite shovel.
Now that you have learned how to craft each shovel, let’s learn how to use them.
Shovels are really easy to use in Minecraft. To use a shovel, all you have to do is left-click with your shovel in your hand. This will break the block that you are looking at. The best blocks to mine with your shovel are blocks that are not made of stone. This includes dirt, sand, gravel, and clay.
In Minecraft, there are two achievements that pertain to shovels. The first is MOAR Tools. This achievement is completed when you construct one pickaxe, shove, axe, and hoe of the same material in your game. The second achievement is called Oooh Shiny! This achievement is completed when you distract a piglin with gold. This includes the golden shovel.
In Minecraft, there is only one advancement. This advancement is Oh Shiny. This is just like the achievement Oooh Shiny and the way to complete this advancement is the same way you complete the achievement. You need to distract a piglin with gold, and this includes a golden shovel.
The netherite shovel is the best pickaxe in Minecraft.
The best enchantment for a shovel is efficiency. It’s one of the only enchantments that have an actual effect on shovels besides unbreaking and mending.
Now that you have learned how to forge and use a shovel, make sure that you craft one. They are very useful when it comes to excavating land a lot faster than by hand. They make gathering resources much quicker and can save you a lot of time when you are building in your Minecraft realm.
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