Corals are non-solid blocks found in Minecraft. Brain coral is one of its variants, out of five. The other variants are tube corals, bubble corals, fire corals, and horn corals. They can only be found in the warm ocean, obtained with any pickaxe. Coral blocks will be colored and alive as long as there is water near them. If there is no water, the coral block will turn into a dead coral block. This leads to another variant of corals known as dead corals. Coral blocks are used in construction and decoration.
They naturally generate in coral reef structures found in warm ocean biomes. They can be mined with ease when mined with a silk touch enchanted tool. You can also generate these corals by putting bone meal on dirt, coarse dirt, sand, red sand, gravel, or clay in warm ocean biomes.
A. Coral blocks and their dead variants can be used for building or as decoration blocks.
A. You can grow corals by putting bone meal on dirt, coarse dirt, sand, red sand, gravel, or clay in warm ocean biomes. Some corals would grow in place of seaweed.
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