The daylight detector is a block that outputs a redstone signal based on the sunlight. It can be switched to activate either in the presence of daylight or in its absence. They are also known as daylight sensors.
A roof of a hut with daylight detectors on top of it (via screenshot)
You can craft them with wooden slabs, nether quartz, and glass, you will require 3 of each. You have to place the three glass blocks in the top row of the crafting grid, the nether quartz in the middle row, and finally the wood slabs in the bottom row.
Crafting a daylight detector (via screenshot)
Daylight detectors can be broken fairly easily by hand, but they can be broken faster by using an ax. Inverted daylight detectors cannot be collected directly; they drop a regular daylight detector when broken.
A daylight detector can be used to produce redstone power in proportion to the daylight cycle. Upon activation, the daylight detector can output a maximum redstone signal of 15 strength. You can also invert the daylight detector, this will make it activate in the absence of sunlight. It is not affected by light sources such as torches.
A daylight detector powering a redstone circuit (via screenshot)
Daylight detectors are a great way to have redstone circuits that need to be active either during the day or night. Most commonly this block is used for redstone circuits that have lighting integrated into them, such as redstone lamps.
A. After placing the daylight detector, you have to right-click it to switch between regular and inverted modes.
A. Sunlight will penetrate any block that the game deems as transparent, for example, slabs, pistons, stairs, etc.
A. Daylight detectors will emit power in the Nether even though there is no day or night there.
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