Fire Aspect in Minecraft
Fire aspect is a sword enchantment which is a counterpart to Bow’s Flame enchantment. When struck a mob will burn for 4 seconds per level. Mobs that drop raw meat of any kind will instead drop cooked meat when killed.
Fire aspect being applied through an anvil (via screenshot)
Fire aspect increases your total damage output as it will do additional burn damage to the target. Target will burn for 4 seconds per level of the enchantment, target struck will receive 3 and 7 damage respectively for levels 1 and 2. It is quite useful to quickly grab some food as mobs that drop raw meat will now drop cooked meat instead when killed with fire aspect.
There are multiple ways to get fire aspect enchantment, the most common ways are fishing, trading with villagers, enchanting tables, and regular loot from chest spawns. For an enchanting table, it is recommended to increase the number of bookshelves around the table as it increases your chances of getting higher-level enchantments.
A sword in an enchantment table (via screenshot)
Fishing is an RNG-based activity so the chances are quite low to get it through this method but your luck can be improved with the luck of the sea enchantment on your fishing rod. Getting it from loot chests is purely RNG so your results may vary. Another reliable way is to trade with villagers to obtain fire aspect, it can be found with the Librarians even at Novice levels.
Trading for enchanted books with a librarian (via screenshot)
Fire aspect is a useful enchantment as it will facilitate you in combat and make getting some cooked meat convenient. There are some mobs that are immune to its fire damage, they are Zoglins, Wardens, Withers, the Ender Dragon, and nether mobs aside from Piglins and Hoglins.
A. Fire aspect is regarded as a useless mob in the community.
A. The highest level of Fire Aspect is II (2).
A. Yes, Fire Aspect can only be applied to swords.
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