Fungus is a mushroom-like vegetative block that can be found in the Nether. It comes in two different variants: crimson fungus and warped fungus. Both variants of the fungus block were added to Minecraft in v.1.16.
Players can find both variants of fungus in the Nether. It can be picked up by simply breaking it. No specific tool is required to break the fungus blocks.
Fungi naturally generate in the crimson forest and warped forest biomes. Crimson fungi are most commonly generated in the crimson forest biome and warped fungi are most commonly generated in the warped forest biome. Warped fungi can generate in crimson forests and crimson fungi in warped forests, but this is not common. Players can find the crimson fungus in hoglin stable chests in bastion remnants.
Applying bone meal to nylium causes fungi to appear nearby, similar to flowers on grass blocks. While fungi of both types and other Nether vegetation do generate this way, they are more likely to be the same type as the nylium.
Fungus can be used for a variety of purposes which include growth, breeding, composting, and deterring hoglins.
When bone meal is used on a fungus that is planted on matching nylium, it has a 40% chance to grow into its tall equivalent. Crimson and warped fungi grow into crimson and warped huge fungi, respectively. The stem, shroomlight, or nether wart block may replace certain blocks including slabs and torches.
The crimson fungus can be used to breed hoglins and keep them from despawning, but it does not stop the hoglin from attacking the player. The warped fungus can be used to breed striders and lead them around, if crafted as a warped fungus on a stick.
All hoglins, regardless of age, avoid and run up to 7 blocks away from warped fungus when it is placed on a block or inside of a flower pot. Held warped fungi and warped fungi on sticks do not have this effect.
When a fungus is placed into a composter, it has a 65% chance of raising the compost level by 1.
Fungus is a mushroom-like block that is only found in the Nether dimension. It has two variants that are found in specific biomes, crimson fungus in crimson forests and warped fungus in warped forests. Both can be used to breed hoglins and striders, even though hoglins run away from warped fungus.
A. Warped trees can be grown by using bone meal onto a fungus that has been placed on the matching nylium.
A. Warped Fungus can be used to attract and scare away mobs.
A. Both crimson and warped fungus can be grown in the Overworld when they are placed on the respective nylium blocks.
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