When it comes to experimentation there are those who wish to push the boundaries of what one is capable of in Minecraft. In this case, we will look into the literal and in-game sense of chemistry within Minecraft and how one can use it to create a great host of products for various and near-endless uses. To test the limits of chemistry within Minecraft, you are going to need to have a multitude of different stations to create your chemistry station in full and for it to reach its full functionality and potential.
First, you will need a compound creator. With this table, you will be able to create compounds that can mix with elements to create new items.
Secondly, you will then need a material reducer. This station allows you to know more about the elements in Minecraft by disassembling any blocks you put into their most natural element. It can only be mined successfully with a pickaxe like many of its other chemistry-related counterparts.
The next station would be the Element Constructor which allows you to manually create your own elements through the combination of electrons, protons, and neutrons.
Finally is the lab table which will allow you to combine compounds and elements together so that you can see the final result of your work through the construction of items through all of the compounds and elements you have.
Note: All of these stations will not be acquirable in survival mode through normal means. You will have to enter commands in order to obtain them and by playing the education edition.
Once you have all four of these stations you will have created a functioning chemistry table that can be used at your leisure. Keep in mind that any of the products that can be made through your chemistry table will more than likely not be acquirable through the search bar of creative mode. You will have to create these products through your experiments instead. Take the product of Bleach for example.
Through the use of your first three lab tables after putting certain elements and compounds together you can make bleach, which can act as a dye if used correctly. To make such a product you would need 3 units of water and 3 units of sodium hydrochloride. Once you have the aforementioned compounds, you then combine them using the lab table to create your bleach. Using bleach you can remove colors from certain items like removing color from a banner so that it is only white. This is only scratching the surface of what you are capable of in terms of scientific experimentation.
When it comes to compounds, almost anything is possible for what you can create. You just have to play around with what you have to create something that can actually be used and not just garbage.
You will find no shortage of experiments to conduct once you have the full set of a chemistry set completed for your personal usage. Just be sure to keep in mind that you will only ever be able to conduct these experiments if you are playing the education edition. Otherwise, these experiments will unfortunately be outside of your reach. For those who can practice such experiments, I wish you luck on the scientific endeavors that await you.
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