Lapis Lazuli is a mineral block used for decorating, crafting blue dye, and enchanting. It can be obtained by mining lapis lazuli ore blocks deep underground, from loot chests, and through trading with villagers.
Lapis Lazuli (via screenshot)
You can get lapis lazuli through mining lapis lazuli ore or deepslate lapis lazuli ore that can be found deep underground. When mined with a stone or better pickaxe it will drop 4-9 lapis lazuli. This number can be increased up to 36 by using a pickaxe with the Fortune III enchantment.
You can also buy lapis lazuli from apprentice-level cleric villagers for the price of one emerald.
Deepslate and regular lapis lazuli ore (via screenshot)
Lapis lazuli is primarily used for enchanting tools, weapons, and armor through an enchanting table. You can also turn lapis lazuli into blue dye that can be used for other purposes such as coloring beds, carpets, concrete powder, etc.
Enchanting with lapis lazuli (via screenshot)
Lapis lazuli is a mineral ore that can be found underground, in the mountains and in caves. It is mostly used for enchanting. It can also be used to create a blue dye that is used in a lot of crafting recipes.
A. Lapis lazuli can be found anywhere below sea level, but it is more commonly found in cave systems.
A. The best level for finding lapis lazuli is at Y level 15.
A. Lapis lazuli is a very rare block, although not as rare as diamond.
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