Melon is a fruit block that grows from melon stems that have developed completely. Melon stems are grown from melon seeds. Melons will drop several melon slices when broken. They were added to Minecraft in v1.8.
A melon (via screenshot)
Melons are naturally generated in jungle biomes, villages, and woodland mansions. When you break a melon you will receive melon slices. Once eaten, melon slices will give you melon seeds that can be then planted in farmland blocks in order to grow new melons. You can make melons by filling up the 3x3 crafting grid with 9 melon slices.
Melon slices (via screenshot)
Melon is primarily a food item that can be consumed by players to increase their health, they have a variant known as glistening melon slice which is a saturation food item. Melons are also a reliable source of melon seeds that can be used to farm melons. You can also sell melons to villagers for emeralds in return. When put in a composter melons have a 65% chance of raising the compost level by 1, so it is more efficient to use melon slices instead of whole melons.
Farming melons (via screenshot)
Melon is a renewable food item that can be farmed and found quite easily throughout the Overworld. They can be used as a source of nutrition, for trading, or for farming. You can split a melon into melon slices that allow you to eat them.
A. Melon can be used to obtain melon slices which allow players to have a reliable source of food.
A. To farm melons, players must plant the seeds on farmland blocks.
A. Glistering melon can be made by combining a Gold Nugget and a Melon Slice. It is used to make Mundane Potions by replacing Redstone in the recipe.
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